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Flat Tire Clinic

  • April 09, 2019
  • 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
  • Penfiield Rec Center, 1985 Baird Rd, Community Rm

This is a hands on class in dealing with the most common problem bikes have. Attendees bring their bike or wheel (if they already know how to remove and reinstall the wheel) along with any tools, tubes, pumps they have. We’ll instruct everyone through a trial tire/tube repair. If attendees wish to bring fresh tires or tubes they are welcome to. Questions about care, prevention and current trends will be covered.

Expect to get dirty. Class size is limited to insure best instructor/attendee interaction.

Clinic Registration must be done through the Penfield Rec Website.   (use the keyword search term "flat tire")  

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